As the social media landscape continues to evolve, it has changed the way we interact with others, both in personal and professional lives. However, large proportion of the workforce utilizes some form of social media as well as the actual social networking services and apps on a daily basis that are in a constant state of flux.

Hence, by using the digital communication inappropriately can negatively affect the organization legal and practical position which will lead to reputational damages, issues and the unauthorised distribution or revealing corporate information.

BEIJING ELITE HUB social, digital media and the workplace inclusive awareness program provide the workforces with new strategical understanding outlook of how social media appropriately used in the workplace, and the risks associated with personal security. It explores the importance governance following organisational of social media policies, code of conduct and regulations for employees both on-duty and off to avoid breaching workplace standards and safety legislation that should never publicly share confidential materials or private business intelligence.

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